Monday, July 7, 2014

The Grove...They say it's one of the most haunted areas on the Battlefield...You tell me ...

Every time when I view photos taken by myself or someone else I marvel at what is included in them. This photo was taken out on the Grove. The Grove is an area of the Battlefield that is incredibly active. On July 3rd there were 2,000 battle deaths in a two hour time span.  This photo was taken by a family who was on one of our ghost walks. When the original photo came to us it was dark and some filters have been applied to it. I see no less than 7 different face!!! Was it being the 4th of July weekend that caused all this activity or is it simply all the restless souls who can not rest. Whichever it is doesn't matter . What DOES matter is that when that veil is lifted we can see some AWESOME things!!

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