Saturday, June 21, 2014

My Daughter, The Disembodied Scream and the PhotoThat Kept Me Up That Night

My 15 year old daughter is still at the age when she is okay with doing things with her old Mom . I was working my shift in the bookstore and my coworker Kathy came in and said "What tours do you you have tonight that go into the basement?" I told her the Mourning Theater at 7 pm or the Mature Tour at 11 pm. I was in no way , shape or form planning on coming back that night and then all of a sudden I blurted out "I'll come back and do it with you" I quickly went home , changed my clothes and asked my kids if they wanted to come. The only taker was Chelsea. So off we went. The Cellar of the Farnsworth House is an AWESOME place. We went to the back of the room and sat daughter not wanted to be squeezed in sat in front of me. Towards the end of the hour long presentation I saw her turn around and look at me. I didn't think much of it and the tour ended. My friend Kathy's husband jumped up and approached my daughter and said "You heard that didn't you?" She shook her head yes. I said "What did you hear?" She said " A someone was being murdered. Like in a horror movie." Only 4 people out of the 15 or so down there heard it. I was pretty shaken up about it. I took several pictures and made a few stops then went home. I tried to pry information from my daughter about the scream but she tried to downplay it. Later I was sitting on my couch and decided to look at the photos I had taken. What I saw shocked and amazed me. I could not believe my eyes. There was ectoplasm surrounding my daughter and encompassing her...and the ectoplasm near her face...had a face of its own!!! I yelled for my daughter to come from her room and look at the pictures. She tried to calm me down and we proceeded to go to bed. I went to work in the morning and when I got home my daughter was awake and said "Mom were you crying last night?" I said Why would I be crying? She said we woke up at 4 am to the sound of music playing and a woman crying....Could this have something to do with all this?? I don't know but I'm being vigilante for sure from now on

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