Friday, June 27, 2014


I work both
in the bookstore at the Farnsworth House and in the Housekeeping department. I really enjoy talking to the guests and helping to keep the Farnsworth looking great. The other day I was in the cellar and saw that the mirror really was very dirty and needed to be windexed. I proceeded to get the paper towels and clean it up. Whenever I go into a room here at the Inn to clean I always say "I'm not here to disturb you I am just going to straighten up and then i'm leaving" I took several pictures of the perimeter and went about my business. When I got home later in the evening I was sitting on my couch uploading the photos and I was stopped dead in my tracks...there was a figure standing by the door to the catacombs in the basement. I don't know who it is , or what it is and I have no logical way to explain it but i'm certainly open to ideas.Check it out

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