SO.....where do i start. I guess I'll start at the beginning which would be the end of the night yesterday (Sunday 7/13). We were hosting what is known as an "Everyday Paranormal Night" which is a 4 hour investigation of the Farnsworth House. So I was working in the bookstore and people started coming in who were going to be participating. I began speaking to some of them and was excited because some of them had AWESOME equipment...and I wanted to see what would happen. The investigation began at 9 and the bookstore closes at 9:30 so i thought well I'll drop in for a few minutes after i get out of work just to see if things are happening...mistake number one ...(Not Really) . So i go downstairs and everyone is sitting in the front of the basement. I then proceed to go right to the back by myself...mistake number two ...(but not really) and sit down. Almost immediately I heard what I will describe as a "shuffling" noise. it came from the back right corner of the cellar. I took my trusty IPhone and began snapping pictures. I then began looking around and listening to Jim's talk about the equipment when all of a sudden the thought crossed my mind "I hope tonight is not a dud. It doesn't seem like to much is going on tonight"...mistake number three....I should know better than to ever think!! At that moment I felt something behind me..around my neck....not hurting me..but hovering over me. I turned to one of the ladies and I said "Something is going on behind me" so they come over and brought a K-2 meter and began asking questions. The meter was shooting up in answer to several things. Almost immediately I felt sudden cold and I hesitate tos ay this but what the hell....i have nothing to lose and no one to impress...something either went through me....or was more close to me than anyone should be because immediately I felt this weight set on me...and I began to sob...and when i say sob I mean uncontrollable sob ( I thought about it after the fact and the last time I cried like that was when my Grandmother died and she was as close to me as my mother) i couldn't speak. After about 10 minutes it began to lift and I tried to stand up. As soon as I did I I again felt that overwhelming feeling and one of the ladies again began asking questions. I started sobbing again and the woman asked " Do you like Annette and do you want her to be your friend? " The light shot up to red!! I really lost it!!! How do I fully put into words an experience that changes you...from the inside out.
This photo was taken with my IPhone when I heard the shuffling noise. I'm not sure what or who it is.
Was this the sad person who was making me cry?? He looks very sad. It was a fantastic experience to feel what someone else was feeling but at the same time I cant help but wonder what made all this occur.
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