Okay....I am now going to admit something shameful....In the 5 plus years I have lived in Gettysburg I have driven through the Battlefield many times but never walked it.!!! I know ...booooo, hiiissssss!! Well one of my co workers was kind enough to invite me and my daughter to go with them last night. We went to Devils Den and I was indeed in awe. When you walk there you truly understand the meaning of the term "Hollowed Ground" I was walking along and they were pointing out different areas of interest. I started taking photos and was instantly struck by one...and I realize I am dating myself here (but not to much I hope) when I saw this photo I was reminded of the old Lawrence Welk Show when the bubbles would be everywhere as the music played. I will also admit (since I'm baring my soul) that orbs have never really excited me to much because of other things I've seen but this photo definitely got my attention.

I realize that orbs are energy and they come in all shapes , sizes and colors!! When you consider that people come in all shapes, sizes and colors as well it all makes sense and all my stupid , petty, little insignificant problems pale in comparison to the things that happen around us everyday!! I am really so blessed!!
As we were walking I noticed that one of the photos I had taken had something truly awesome in it.
If you look between these two tree you will see a face peering out at you. This was taken at Devils Den the same evening.
I was talking to my daughter and I told her sometimes I feel like I'm in the movie The Sixth Sense because no matter what happens or where I am I see things and perceive them and I know I'm not dead..lol..but it feels so strange to realize that spirits are ALL around us EVERYWHERE and if we have eyes to see we will see.
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